Thursday 20 January 2011

Technical meeting

No photo for this post - although there have been many opportunities, I never remember to take any!

I write surrounded by packing boxes. We are getting ready for the move - probably next week. Lovely Xmas gifts and old treasures are packed away for fear of being spoiled or lost, for how long? Several months at least. When they see the light of day it will be in our new house.

We are moving a lot up to my dad's old house, where we can stay rent-free during the build. We are lucky compared to most self-builders, and there are family and friends nearby as well.

Today we had a 6 hour+ technical meeting with Steve, our project manager & Claire, our designer at Potton. Lots of technical detail to be finalised before the frame is built.
Tiny sample:
Weight of the thermal store cylinder
Holes in the steel beam to allow for heat recovery ventilation
u-values of all doors & windows

It is easy to get bogged down in this, but last week's trip to the site reminded us. Standing down by the brook, looking at the catkins and first shoots of the snowdrops, we realised that this time next year, it will be our home.

And PS: I now have a hard-hat. That's a missed photo-op!