Tuesday, 18 September 2012

some finishing touches

Tomorrow is a momentous day, as our furniture comes out of storage, after 20 months. Strangely, some of it we are not going to keep for long - we just didn't want to rush into getting new settees, for example, until we could see how best to organise seating in the living room.
Some we are looking forward to seeing again, like our lovely dining table & chairs.
Most of our pictures & ornaments will stay boxed whilst we decide where everything is going.

This is what has been happening since our last post:

All of those cables (Nov. 18th 2011) are neatly fixed into place in this box:

Our wood burner is installed, and the test fire was lit on a very warm afternoon (a contrast to when the chimney & flue were installed - see 15 Jan 2012)

Our deck is finished, and we have an awning:

Thanks to Samson in Wellingborough & Markilux.http://en.markilux.eu

This last picture shows the lights installed in the living room today (thanks Paul) and the staircase (see 17 Nov. 2011) which has been unwrapped, finished, and oiled