Monday 31 May 2010

It's moving along!

With the impeccable timing normally shown by our family & friends, we have been busy! A trip to France, to buy wine for Duncan's & Katie's wedding, and to catch up with old friends. Before we went, we were privileged to be at the wedding of Simon Bowles & Hannah Pardon, at Whipsnade Zoo, including a trip on the train; it has all been lovely.

So was our visit to the Wolseley Sustainable Building Centre ( above) where we had plenty of time to discuss our particular issues, and see the latest green technology; some of this will be relevant to us; some is more relevant to larger scale projects. It was especially helpful to get calculations on the energy generated by solar thermal heating & photovoltaic cellso help us make decisions.
We also met Mike Wingrove of aca-apex at Leighton Buzzard, to talk about Smart Home technology, and were very impressed by his down-to-earth attitude.

Finally, Adrian, the planning advisor at Potton, has submitted our planning application. The link won't load here, but if you want to see the plans, you can go to: and look for Application no: 10/00920/FUL. We should have a decision by early July

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