Monday 19 March 2012


We are used to the swans, ducks, geese, moorhens & gulls that visit "our" brook & the flood meadow.
We have a robin in the garden, and occasionally catch sight of a wren.
This week we have seen the heron again, a spotted woodpecker, a pair of chaffinches, and, the only one I managed to photograph, an egret:

Edmund came to help us move stuff, including carrying the bathroom tiles upstairs. Keith has been continuing to make the kitchen units, and I have been tiling the wet room, and trying to make sense of the BT / Openreach saga (I have written a letter to both saying "if you find this letter confusing, it is a fraction of what I feel")

By the end of this week we hope to have our kitchen worktops in place. Whether the wet room is completely tiled, or we are phone / internet connected is quite uncertain!

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