Tuesday 22 May 2012

more thanks

Often on this blog, I thank people who have been involved in the build, in many different ways.
This post is for other thanks:

First of all to Medea Misch, who organised Charing Cross Medical School's 40 year reunion. We met up with a lot of Keith's old colleagues and it was good to catch up with them all.

Then on Sunday we went off to see the Underdowns, who have been supportive of & interested in our build from the beginning. They too have moved, to "Sussex by the sea". Their kitchen is in a worse state than ours (currently the oven is in the garage!) but the weather was kind and Nigel barbecued, so we sat in their lovely garden and caught up with all the news.

On Monday, Joe allowed us to look after him while his mum went to work. We all had a good time together and look forward to seeing him next week as well.

Thanks also to Jane, from Nene Valley Homemade, who selected me to trial her new handcream. I have been doing a mosaic in the bathroom tiles, so it has had a very hard trial, and has kept my hands nice & soft. Her products are sold at Daily Bread Co-operative in Northampton.

A final, dubious, thanks to the swallows who chose our garage loft to build their nest in.

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