Tuesday 13 November 2012


Or: Air Pressure Testing, Energy Performance Certificate & Standard Assessment Procedure.

LABC, who are providing the warranty for the house, did these today. Jamie came all the way from Wales. We had a good chat about the Centre for Alternative Technology (see our post on 14 September 2009) where he did a course on sustainable construction.

He taped up all the ventilation ducts, and put this contraption over the front door (to the dismay of our postie who had to leave the post outside!). The air is sucked out to create negative pressure, and we can then feel the draughts where air is leaking in. We did very well, thank goodness.

He gathered all of our information on energy use & insulation and will give us a rating in the next few days. This is our last step before being signed off by the Building Inspector, so more about that next week.

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