Sunday 28 July 2013

Last post

I have decided to make this my 130th & last post, with a picture of the finished house, our beautiful sign, the rowan, holly, and our lavender hedge.
We will of course, still keep busy, making things and getting the house as we like it inside, but, at our 4 year anniversary, feel we can say that the "build" is finished.

We have learned a huge amount since we began and made a host of new friends. A lot has happened in the family as well. We both retired, we have had a wedding, a funeral and a birth.

The blog has been a great record of everything that has happened, of everyone who has helped us (and a very tiny number who have hindered!)
I'm glad that I recorded thanks throughout, as there are too many to list, except to say:

if you have been, thank you for reading our blog

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