Sunday 16 October 2011

boards & bricks

This has been a busy week.

Outside, John & his team have been laying bricks.
Inside, we have been putting up Fermacell board.

Our first bricks:

John lays the first quoin ( corner decoration)

And Ali continues down the side:

Here is our hoist to get the boards upstairs (£4 on Amazon for the pulley & £10 at B&Q for the cord). Keith's rather piratical look is about keeping the dust out of his hair (although he keeps calling it a "do-rag" having read too many American thrillers)

Here is our first boarded room, although we have yet to "finish" it.

Thanks again to Sheffield Insulation (James & Tracey) for their prompt delivery of acoustic insulation for the internal walls & ceilings.

The swans continue promading serenely:

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