Thursday 10 November 2011

the 6 metre steel lintel

One of the most striking features of our house will be the glass doors that take up most of the back wall. A steel lintel has been specially made to go over them, and Tuesday's task was to get it into place. I was mercifully excused and allowed to take photos.

First of all, John, Ali, Keith & Matt took the lintel down the side of the house

Then it had to be swung round ( the top part of the fence had to be removed) so it stuck into the neighbouring garden (thanks to Peter & Sheila for their forbearance)

Ali leapt over the fence, and Keith walked round in order to manoevre it into position along the back wall

John tried to remember his Scouting knots:

The lintel was hauled upwards

And finally positioned:

As I write, the soldier course over the lintel has been completed, but I've not been able to take a picture yet.

PS: one of Derick's favourite mugs has found its niche:

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