Friday 18 November 2011

How we spend our time

When we began this project, we knew that Keith's skills would be the ones most used. Assembling the staircase, putting up the boards in all the rooms are jobs that use the skills he has learned over the years. Although this is by far the biggest and most difficult project, it is one where he "speaks the language"
So we knew that my role would be support, at all levels.
I do all the paperwork and keep track of the receipts & payments.
I make the phone calls, organise deliveries etc and liaise with the workers (of which more, below!)
As Keith puts the boards up, I go along, checking the screws, scraping off excess adhesive & smoothing down & filling. Having written about impact drivers, I have to say that the new Ryobi driver does fit in my hand very well:
Note for anyone who buys me presents: this is the ONLY time in my life that I am likely to be delighted by a power tool!!!!!

I make sure that we have tea, coffee, soup, biscuits & apples (many thanks to my aunt & uncle, Pat & Dorothy, for the pears & apples from their trees)
I run errands of all kinds: collecting Screwfix orders, picking up small items from local stores, as well as the usual food shopping. You will not be surprised to know that I have found local markets at Raunds & Thrapston, an excellent deli (Buntings) and I occasionally run to M&S food at the local service station.
I am supposed to be the labourer as well, but sometimes Keith has to manage without me, such as today when yet again the scaffolding firm waited a week to send someone along with the wrong information!
I do the washing-up in a bucket at the outside tap (camping has prepared me well!) which I quite like as passers-by stop to chat: Denford has proved a very friendly & welcoming place.

This week I spent longer than I would have liked bundling and grouping cables for the "smart home hub". They were already coded, but I had to group them by type & area & number; here they are finally:

This may look boring, to me it is beautiful! And when - if all goes well - our computer systems, TV & audio are all functioning, I shall remember the cables!

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