Monday 16 January 2012


The weather has been kind so far, and it could be a lot worse; but today, like a few days before Xmas, we didn't get above freezing.
What do we do?
I take a 5 litre container of water from home, for cups of tea, mixing filler, etc. (one day before Christmas I forgot it, so thanks to one of our new neighbours, Jane, who filled the kettle for us)
I bring all the washing up home with me.

That's easy - then today the chemical loo & sink froze; in anticipation I had put wipes for hand cleaning, not realising that they too would freeze! Fortunately we had more inside the house!

Our experienced bricklayer, John has tubs of water ready, in the hope that they don't freeze completely - today he only had to smash through 3" of ice to get at the water. He also adds "frost protector" to the mortar.

Inside, the excellent insulation is already showing its worth. We have a 3 kw fan heater and it certainly helps with the work.

Today was also momentous, because I made what I sincerely hope is my last trip ever up any scaffolding to take down the last of the protective film from the upstairs windows (sorry I forgot the camera to take a last photo!). If all goes to plan, it comes down tomorrow.

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