Sunday 15 January 2012

Keeping to time

Fotheringhay Forge popped in on Wednesday to pressure test the chimney & it was passed, so the roofers came to tidy up the tiling on Friday.

This week we had one of those moments that plagues every build. We have been only able to open the upstairs windows a crack because of the scaffolding. We suddenly realised that the scaffolding lifts had been dropped some weeks ago, so we should now be able to open the windows, but actually we couldn't! The fascia boards came down a little too low and it was they impeding the opening. Fortunately we realised whilst scaffolding was still in place. So Keith has been up there cutting back the boards, which actually looks planned & decorative.

Whilst up on the boards he took a picture of the chimney which does look very fine.

I spent some time insulating half the loft - the other half has to wait for the last ceiling boards to go up. I wanted to get half done, as we have now moved in some of the boxes that came out of the loft at Crosslands! Thanks to Neil who came to help, and even took 3 of his own boxes away with him!
We also moved a couple of my parents' old armchairs into the "office" at The Bright House, so we feel a bit more comfortable during our breaks.

Next week the main scaffolding comes down, and a small amount goes back up around the garage so that the roof can go on. We are looking forward to seeing the "real house" and getting the last protective film off the windows.

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