Saturday, 10 December 2011

geese & balconies

The brickwork at the back of the house is finished, so Keith has been putting up the balconies. (see footnote)

The geese are coming to feed:

It is now very cold, so we go to work with a lot of layers on (I have been saving old clothes for exactly this purpose)! I am especially glad of my Falke merino socks and my Buff which is permanently round my neck for warmth, and can be pulled over my mouth & nose when sanding or handling insulation, and round my hair when needed.

We take Thermoses of home-made soup to sustain us (and mince pies)

The brickwork on the chimney began this week, and the end of external work on the house is in sight. The guttering needs finishing and soil pipes need installing.

Footnote: why are they called "Juliet" balconies? She had a very large balcony, certainly big enough to put Romeo on, not just a little railing flush with the brickwork to stop people toppling over.
The more so because Shakespeare knew his building work: Hamlet knew a hawk from a handsaw, I now know a spatula from a compound mitre saw.

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