Thursday 1 December 2011

plodding on

Our main task continues to be boarding: Keith cuts all the holes for lights, speakers, sockets, and puts the boards up. I check the screws, scrape the adhesive off, slap on filler and sand it down.
We both put up insulation: most people deal with the stuff a few times in their lifetime, but never forget it as it prickles and gets everywhere; so we often to be found "togged up" including barrier cream (we did get some special stuff, but I'm also using up the free samples of nappy cream that I used to get!)

The brick delivery is held up by "quality control issues" so external work is slow.

We spent the early part of the year sourcing materials for the build: some of them we bought and asked the supplier to hang on to them for us. Every so often one of them will ring us to check we are still alive, and that we haven't forgotten we own a planer thicknesser, hundreds of tiles, or ovens.

The white blob is a swan, and the darker ones the geese who fly in daily to feed.

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