Friday 9 September 2011

3 pieces of work today

Well, here I am, up on the scaffolding, staining the soffits & fascias. Keith is there too, but I got him to take the picture!
Plumbing: here is the trap & drain for the wet-room downstairs
And here is the I-box for one of the showers:

I am loving seeing all of this stuff go in, and seeing how it all connects.

And back on the roof, here are Jeff & Colin fitting the photo-voltaic panels. There will be 14 in total. For anyone who is wondering why we haven't fitted them into the roof, the answer is that we could get double the number on if they are fitted over the tiles.

Details continue to take time to sort out. Today we realised that the rain water harvester header tank had to be 5 metres above the washing machine (ie: not just in the loft, but raised up) - so then we had to check with Potton if Keith could build a platform over the rafters. The answer is yes, so that will be a job for next week, along with beginning the flooring.

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