Friday 2 September 2011


Well, it has taken a week from the electricity cable being laid, to the final connection today.
It has gone like this:
3 months ag0, request electricity supply
2 months ago, nominate provider
6 weeks ago, install meter boxes
25th August: a team dig up the road (and very kindly as well, the bit of our site that needs ducting)
26th August: the supplier connects the electricity, but we can't use it until the provider installs the meter
the footpath remains dug up for the entire bank holiday weekend
30th August: the filling in team fill the footpath
3ist August: the barriers are removed so the good people of Denford can use their footpath again
Today: the provider installs the meter and we get a temporary supply to the property (ie: 6 sockets near the front door)
I am so delighted that I can both boil a kettle and stop running cables to our long-suffering neighbours (many thanks to Peter & Sheila) that I forget to take a picture!

The one below is of the noggins that Keith is putting around the electricity cables (as yet un-connected) in the kitchen wall. These will supply the ovens that I am looking forward to using.

The roof is finished, and these are the solar hot water panels.
Today Tim & John from Solar Partner have been working on the roof to the left, installing the photo-voltaic cells that will provide some of our electricity

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