Tuesday 13 September 2011

Heaven, Hell & flapjack

In the last few days we have either been up on the scaffolding, adding extra coats of stain to the soffits & fascias, or on our knees laying damp-proof membrane & cutting floor insulation.
I should not complain, as Keith (who knows how to treat a girl) bought me a pair of gel-filled knee-pads and I shuffle around on them. Fortunately the Denford fashion police have fallen victim to the cuts.

Here are the sheets of insulation, this was the easiest bit, in most rooms, Keith has been sawing them into the right shape; sometimes they crumble at the edges, like those pink wafer biscuits we used to have with ice cream!

And covered with a second layer of thick black plastic that takes a lot of wrestling into place! If I never see another roll of black tape, I won't complain!

The photo-voltaic panels are all up now, but will not function until the permanent electricity supply is connected.

Many thanks to our old neighbours Chris & Dave who came up to inspect our work and left home-made flap-jack to sustain us.

Dave - the 3rd pipe in the bathroom is for the pump circulating the hot water in the bathroom, including the whirlpool bath.
Neices (and others) - the whirlpool bath, along with Denford back brook is the nearest we are getting to a hot-tub. I guess you could run from one to the other and call it a spa.

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